Source code for tests.test_platform

from .test import Test, TestResult
from honeypots.honeypot import Honeypot
from termcolor import colored, cprint

[docs]class TestPlatform: """ Holds a list of Tests and a reference to a Honeypot Runs the list of tests on the Honeypot and generates statistics based on the results """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_list, target_honeypot): """ :param test_list: list of Test objects :param target_honeypot: Honeypot object to run Tests against """ assert isinstance(target_honeypot, Honeypot) # for safety and autocomplete assert all(isinstance(t, Test) for t in test_list) self.test_list = test_list self.__results = [] self.target_honeypot = target_honeypot
[docs] def run_tests(self, verbose=False, brief=False): """ Runs the list of tests on the target Honeypot :param verbose: print results of each test :param brief: disable output for N/A tests """ if verbose: self.print_header() for test in self.test_list: test.target_honeypot = self.target_honeypot if verbose: if brief and test.result == TestResult.NOT_APPLICABLE: continue self.print_results(test.result,, test.karma,, test.doc_link) self.__results = [(,, test.result, test.karma) for test in self.test_list] if verbose: self.print_stats()
@property def results(self): """ Returns the results of each test :return: list of tuples like (Test Name, Test Report, Test Result) """ return self.__results
[docs] def get_stats(self): """ Calculates statistics based on the last scan :return: tuple containing number of ok, warnings, unknown """ ok = 0 warnings = 0 unknown = 0 kp = 0 for tname, treport, tresult, tkarma in self.__results: kp += tkarma if tresult == TestResult.WARNING: warnings += 1 elif tresult == TestResult.OK: ok += 1 elif tresult == TestResult.UNKNOWN: unknown += 1 return ok, warnings, unknown, kp
[docs] @staticmethod def print_results(test_result, test_name, test_karma, test_report, test_doc_link): assert isinstance(test_result, TestResult) if test_result == TestResult.OK: text = "[OK]" color = "green" elif test_result == TestResult.WARNING: text = "[WARNING]" color = "red" elif test_result == TestResult.UNKNOWN: text = "[UNKNOWN]" color = "yellow" elif test_result == TestResult.NOT_APPLICABLE: text = "[NOT APPLICABLE]" color = "blue" else: text = str(test_result) color = "white" print("{:40}".format(test_name) + " " + "{:^25}".format(colored(text, color=color)) + " " + "{:>+10}".format(test_karma)) print("\n> " + test_report) if test_result != TestResult.NOT_APPLICABLE and test_result != TestResult.OK: # show the suggested doc page print(">>>", colored("For further details please refer to:\n\t", color='yellow'), test_doc_link) print("\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def print_header(): print("-"*80) print(colored("{:40}".format("Test Name:"), color="magenta") + " " + colored("{:25}".format(" Test Result:"), color="magenta") + " " + colored("{:<10}".format("KP:"), color="magenta"), "\n")
[docs] def print_stats(self): ok, warnings, unknown, kp = self.get_stats() print("\nStats:", "\t", colored("OK", color="green"), "->", ok, "\n" "\t", colored("WARNING", color="red"), "->", warnings, "\n" "\t", colored("UNKNOWN", color="yellow"), "->", unknown, "\n") kpcolor = "green" if kp < 0: kpcolor = "red" print("Total Karma Points ->", colored(kp, color=kpcolor), "\n")